Moon Ritual
The reason I started this website was not just to talk about my dance classes and routine reveals, it was to share information about the other topics I am passionate about; self love and self care. In my life I have been on a healing journey, and I am so keen to share the rituals and practises I use to stay happy and healthy in my mind and body. (Woowoo alert! I am totally into 'witchy' and spiritual things which most people understand to be holistic; such as crystals, aromatherapy and alternative therapies. So please keep an open mind! They really do work for me, which is why I share them)
For some reason I find I am attuned to the moon. My mood and thoughts are very much affected by it, and I haven't looked into why that is, I just accept it and work with it. However, you do not have to be attuned to the moon in order to harness the energy of the moon, and it can be a really effective way to keep on track with your goals and celebrate your successes.
The moon has an approximate two week cycle going from full to new, and back to full again approximately two weeks later. Each time the moon is full or new, it crosses into a new astrological sign which subsequently affects the moon's 'vibe'. I have a really good book that tracks these phases and explains the feelings that might be coming up for you during the cycle, and how to work with it, it is called Lunar Living by Kirsty Gallagher. Doing this moon ritual requires some introspection, and some quiet time alone to tune into yourself, which is a great thing to do anyway, regardless of a moon cycle! So let's dig in, and I will explain my little ritual and why I think you will love it too.
Step 1 - Get Into A Gratitude Attitude
I always start with gratitude. This puts my energy into a high vibration and my head into a positive space where I feel grateful and uplifted by the things that are already in my life. It helps me to feel good from the start of the exercise and helps my mind to look at things from an abundant perspective. I have a book dedicated to this, that I try to write in everyday. See my blog post about gratitude diaries here.
Photo Credit: Kirsty Gallagher
Step 2 - Understand The Moon Phase
Look up what sign the moon is in, and learn about how this can affect you and what energies are most potent right now for harnessing. I love the book Lunar Living, but you can choose your own moon cycle book, there are lots available.
Photo Credit: Elle Chapman Post
Step 3 - Set Your Intention
Write down the things that stood out to you from the book. You may find that your unexplained mood is now explained! Or maybe there was something that started to niggle at you, letting you know this topic requires further exploration. This is the part where being well practised in introspection is helpful. If you do unearth emotions that you would like to dispell, write them down as an affirmation stating, "I am releasing ..." and "I am letting go of ...". Or perhaps there are burning ambitions you have that you wish to manifest, in which case you can write, "I am attracting ..." or write as if you already have it simply with "I am (insert desired emotion/state/thing here)".
Photo Credit: Devin Ross Blog
Step 4 - Create A Mood Board
Don't worry, this doesn't have to take up lots of your time. We are not talking about a Blue Peter masterpieve with glitter, glue and colourful paper! Although you totally can make it a work of art if you wish, that is your call. But seeing as I do this every 2 weeks, I like to keep it simple. I have two mood board packs from The Works that I like to use. I have two piles; one pack of affirmations, and the other pack of aspirational images to conjure up feelings of wellbeing, success and happiness. I like to shuffle them like a deck of cards and then pick them like you would a tarot deck. The cards that I blindly select, are my message for this moon phase of what I need to focus on.
Photo Credit: Wu Haus Blog
Step 5 - Choose A Crystal
Okay okay I know not everyone has crystals! If you don't have any, how about you take a little shopping visit to a crystal shop and let your intuition guide you to the stone that will help you to release / manifest during this moon phase. Place the crystal somewhere prominent in your home where you will see it everyday, and it will remind you of what you chose it for.
Photo Credit: Mindfulness Blog
Step 6 - Meditate
This final step is optional, but it is a lovely way to finish off the process. It will help to calm your mind after all that introspection and give you some peace to sit with yourself and absorb the good energy and intentions you are putting out into the world from this process. You may get a flash of inspiration or you may feel a shift in your emotions. Just relax, breathe and trust that everything good is coming to you.
Try This At Home
If you end up trying this I would love to hear from you! Please leave me a comment or share your vision boards or crystal grids, I would love to see them! Likewise, if you end up doing this ritual for some time, please do share with me the benefits you are experiencing. I find that the results come qiucker than I anticipate sometimes. It is true that saying, "be careful what you wish for!".
Love, Coco ❤️