New Year, New You

With every new year we get to reset our goals and start new resolutions. It is the time we traditionally press the pause button long enough to be able to evaluate our lives and look with fresh eyes.

One of my beautiful dancers shared an infographic written by the talented Jess Johnston that really resonated with me.

I absolutely love this quote; not to shame anyone who wants to improve their life, absolutely not. I love it because it asserts that first and foremost we have to love ourselves, before any real change is possible.

Self love is one of the things I advocate and is one of my core values as a business and as a person. When we love ourselves wholly, and accept our "flaws" and integrate them into ourselves, only then are we able to truly change and grow.

If we shame ourselves and feel bad for being a certain way, that is only going to create more divide, more comparison with others, more hurt and upset and we don't feel good about ourselves. So when we create change from this place, it is to prove our worth and only strengthens our belief of how unloveable we are.

However, we are worthy; right now. Not tomorrow, today. When we learn to be forgiving and compassionate and loving towards ourselves, warts and all, we feel good about ourselves. In turn, that creates an ease and flow that allows change to happen naturally.

It is not easy to do this, I know. But none of us is perfect, and all we can do is our best. Once we accept this reality, and accept ourselves, it is amazing how life transforms in-front of our eyes. The pressure is gone to be perfect, and then the sky is the limit; aim for the stars! There is no judgement to hold us back now. Plus, we will be doing it with love and joy and in our heart, which have much more effective results than hate, judgement and shame.

There are lots of practises of self care and self love that we can use, and my plan is to share ideas and inspiration in this blog. If you resonated with this or if you would like to know more, I invite you to subscribe to this blog, or connect with me on socials.

Love from Coco Monroe x


Real Mum Life